It all started like any other fairly normal day. Hubby just happened to be off that day and we ended up having to take our husky in to the vets for a limp in her leg that had just started in the middle of the night. We got the blow that she was going to need knee surgery ($$$) and had come home to call and tell my mom about it. We were still talking to her on the house phone when I got a call on my cell phone from the property manager of our house. I excused myself from my mom for a minute and took the call that would end up changing life as we knew it.... He said it so fast and so matter of fact that I didn't even comprehend what he was saying... the owners of our house were coming back to the states and were moving back into their house by June 1st!! WHAT?! THEIR house? WHAT house?! THIS house?! After a split second, the news set in and I instantly started to cry... that poor man on the other end of the phone! lol He said that he was trying to give us as much notice as he could, which was nice considering we thought we had another 2-3 years in this house! I quickly hung up with him and got back on the phone with my hubby and mom but I'm afraid I gave them both quite the scare as I know I was having trouble taking a deep breath and pretty much just fell to the floor in a pile of tears while I tried to explain to them what was going on! lol Looking back, I feel pretty silly for reacting that way but at the time I felt like the sky was falling and there was no solid ground around us...
After the shock of it set in, and the tears started to dry up (and I'm talking about a matter of maybe 20 minutes) we were out the door and in town looking at rentals. This all happened about 2 pm and by 5 we'd looked at about 3 houses! We literally hit the ground running!! :)
I can remember feeling the panic, the fear of what was going to happen to us, to our girls, to our animals (2 dogs, 3 cats, 20+ chickens and 40 more in the incubator!!) and just thinking that there was no way we were going to find a place that would allow our crazy family to live the country life that we were so blessed to have. I just knew we were going to have to settle and would end up losing what we've been working so hard to build up.
I had images of us having to live in our travel trailer again on some empty plot of land... or worse.... live in town! :) That night, we were just numb. I know we watched a movie but I can't for the life of me remember what it was... I just sat all night looking at house listings and combing Craigslist for a rental that we could live with. I found I think three that we were going to call on in the morning, one of which seemed WAY too good to be true for the price but only time would tell.
My husband woke up before me, and was ready to get started again on the great house hunt 2013 so he looked up the address for the to good to be true house and decided to do a drive by before we bothered to even call. He was back to the house shortly after 8am and I was only able to hold him off till 8:45 before he called about it. The man on the other end of the phone said we could come by at 10 and I don't think I've even taken so fast of a shower and we were ready to go!!
You may be wondering about my title for this entry... But when God is your realtor there is no question about where you are supposed to be!! 20 hours from the time we got the call till the time we saw our new home... that could only be God! God is SO GOOD!!
This house was made for us... it was started in 1921, and later added on to in 1979. The setting is this amazing view, and more trees than a person could ever count.
He thought of every possibly thing to make this location perfect for us...
right down to the blue berry bush in the garden, the grape vines out back and the fenced in garden with raised beds in place...
the entire property is surround by blackberries and the view... the view will take your breath away...
So many people just shake their heads when we tell them this story and they ask how we could find such a treasure at all, let alone in less than a day? I've had friends that reacted with unkind words about the owners of our previous house, and I have to just tell them, that it was God... no matter how much I thought I loved our old house, I could have never imagined how wonderful this one could be or what a total blessing this change could be....
Before we left to see our would be new house, on that fateful morning... my husband and I stood holding hands in what was soon to be our old kitchen and prayed... we prayed that if this house was the right house for us in God's plan that we would see that and not just jump on it thinking that it was in OUR plan... there was not a moment of that day that God didn't have a hand in and I am so completely grateful and humbled by his love for us...
Matthew 6:31-33
So don't worry about these things, saying, 'What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?' These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. (NLT)
So don't worry about these things, saying, 'What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?' These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. (NLT)
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