Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial Day

For most people, this Memorial Day holiday is just another excuse to get a day off work. This fact seems to me to be a bit ironic considering what it actually stands for. Memorial Day is set aside to remember our fallen soldiers who were SO far from having a day off work.
This Memorial Day holiday I would like to remember just one of those soldiers who gave their life so that we could be free. I never had the pleassure of knowing my Uncle Buddy but I feel like he is still such a big part of our lives thru the stories and emotions that my Papa has shared with me. Buddy was his big brother and by the sounds of it a really amazing young man. I wish so much I could have met him but I was born exactly 35 years to the day too late ...
This day should not be about bashing political candidates or voicing our political views on the current administration. Today should be simply about remembering and being thankful. My Uncle Buddy was certainly not the first to die for our country and he wasn't the last either. Please say an extra prayer for all of our soldiers worldwide and be oh so very thankful for even the littlest of our daily freedoms that we all take for granted...
Herbert L. Striker

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