Monday, November 17, 2008

One More Day

My husband makes fun of the fact that I have a song to go with memories and events...Bon Jovi's "Who Says You Can't Go Home" is my Alaska song, "Where the Black Top Ends" is my Missouri song and "When You're Goin' Thru Hell" is my Texas song and so on and so on. I'm sure you get the picture. On any given day I'm sure I hear at least one song that makes me think back to a memory/event and sometimes it's good but not always....

I was driving back from a day of fun shopping with my two girls when "One More Day" by Diamond Rio came on and I couldn't help but think of her. I got tears in my eyes and a huge lump in my throat and before I knew it it was a full cry with crocodile tears running down my cheeks. I'm so glad the girls were asleep so I didn't have to explain. Sometimes I don't know where the emotion comes from but it happens out of the blue. In my mind, I picture all the things I would do if space and time were no limit. I would take her out for dinner, and push her threw a park or the woods. Somewhere outdoors with a yellow hue of sunshine around us. I would take her to farm animals but she loved her farm so much and I would ask her to tell me more stories about her childhood. I would laugh at all the same jokes and I would tell her she means the world to me...I would introduce her to my husband. She never got to meet him but she knew we were getting married and I could hear it in her voice just how happy she was for us. The last thing I remember her telling me was that I was going to be a good mom to my stepson...She would love my girls too. I can picture them in her lap and I can hear her laughter while she teases them. Sometimes the pain of losing her just washes over me and I can't believe she's been gone for almost 6 years. She passed away two weeks before my wedding. I don't know why that is so important... I just wanted her to know how happy I would be and what a good man I had found. She would have loved him and pulled him in to kiss him on the cheek. Then she would have teased him about something and said she was a terrible old woman lol ...What I wouldn't give for one more day...

One More Day- Diamond Rio

Last night I had a crazy dream

A wish was granted just for me

It could be for anything

I didnt ask for money

Or a mansion in malibu

I simply wished,

for one more day with you


One more day

One more time

One more sunset,

maybe Id be satisfied

But then again

I know what it would do

Leave me wishing still,

for one more day with you

First thing Id do,

is pray for time to crawl

Then Id unplug the telephone

And keep the tv off

Id hold you every second

Say a million I love yous

Thats what Id do,

with one more day with you


Leave me wishing still,

for one more day

Leave me wishing still,

for one more day

1 comment:

the hermits on the hill said...

A beautiful memorium to grandma Kitt. If she were to hear you say all that she'd not understand what all the fuss was about. LOL She'd say she was just a farm girl who loved chickens.