I have always loved photography, the idea of capturing a moment in time for generations to enjoy just captivates me. I got my first camera when I was around ten. It was a simple point and shoot Kodak camera that my Papa bought me at the BX in California and it quickly became my trusted friend....taking hundreds (if not thousands) of pictures...I used this camera until I was in college when I started taking photography classes and using my Great Papa's old Canon T50 (that is still one of my very favorite cameras of all time!!!) I still think that it's so cool that I was shooting with the same camera that my GREAT grandpa used....photography must b in my blood! In that class we were till shooting with film (wow that seems so long ago!) and I quickly began to learn about the different qualities of black and white film and how to develope them in the dark room....it didn't take long before I was hooked!!!
Even now, in the age of digital photography, I still love to see pictures in black and white...somehow it still takes me back to a time of just wanting to capture a special moment in time, not out to digitally alter a photo into something it's not....
For me, black and white photos strip away all the fluff and go right to the heart of a subject....
Take these pictures for instance...
While I think my dear Kobuk looks beuatiful in the color pic...
I think this one suits him better...
What do you think? Are you up for the challenge? Can you find one black and white picture to post every Wednesday? If so, please let me know so I can check it out too! Be sure to let her know over at Naturalsuburbia too...I'm sure she'd enjoy seeing it too!
I joined you, i pretty much turn all photos into black and white! Check it here
Thank you for posting a Black and White Wednesday photo and for linking to my blog:) You are quite right, photos just look so amazing in B&W, the detail, the depth... I look forward to seeing your Wednesday posts:)
Take care
i enjoyed your post! the black and white photo of your sweet kitty is so much more emotional and intriguing! i love black and white and have been having a lot of fun with this challenge.
i wish i had a dark room to play in! my time developing film was short in the grand scheme of things, but i adored it.
You're so good! I love that pic's after!
Hi! Thank you for the follow! I'm not following you, too! Yay for kitty pictures in our posts! Yours is a cutie pie, too. And I love the black and white photo. I agree - something about them is so intriguing!
I love black and white photos too! Found you on Follow Me Wednesdays @ 3 Four and Under
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