Monday, September 20, 2010

Our little Bits of Goodness

The last week has just flown by and I still have so much I wanted to share with all of you!

We are finally starting to get back in a schedule of sorts, and I am finally starting for feel more like being myself and less like being a zombee just going thru the motions of unpacking and sorting. We are getting to relax a bit more, explore and enjoy the natural progression of the summer turning to fall. I love this time of just feels like mother nature is telling us to slow down and the rainy weather and cooler temps are just what we need to take a moment and enjoy the simple apple sauce simmering on the stove and hot cider to sip while we read a good book!

Another excitement around our house is the unpacking of our comfort the girls' play kitchen, my sewing desk and the nature table! While we haven't found all our nature table goodness, we have gotten back into swaps with Bits of Goodness and look what we found in the mail!

These lovelies are from the Tree swap that I recently took part in! Aren't they just beautiful!? The girls each got a tree, and the acorns/pouch but I claimed the necklace and the pouch for myself since the girls would only fight over them! lol It's nice to get something for myself once in awhile too and the girls didn't seem to mind... Ü

These are the little squids that I made for the Water swap! I can't wait to see what goodies we'll get in return! I just love the way these little guys turned out and of course I had to make a few more for the girls too! You can find the pattern here.

These swaps have been such a blessing to our family...the items we get and the quality of the craftmanship just amaze me! I am currently working on items for the fall nature table swap and the Christmas stocking/advent swap...more pictures to come!


Else M Tennessen said...

Lovely squiddleys! You did such a good job! I'm glad you enjoyed my pattern. :)

Linda said...

All the goodies are yummy!! I so need to make M a Nature Table. :)

Bending Birches said...

beautiful!! ive been wanting to get involved with this group!

TwigandToadstool said...

Oh I LOVE your squids!!!!!!!
I so want to join this group!
xo maureen